28 Jul, 2020

NetSuite V/s SAP: What You Should Know?

The business world dynamically reinvents solutions to ensure business success. There are different ERP applications running in the mainstream, evoking confusion among the entrepreneurs to make the right choice.

While swimming through the plethora of options you might be knocked down by two powerful ERP solutions: NetSuite and SAP business one. Both of these leading ERP software solutions are having irresistible features that are going to make our choice tougher than ever. 

The wrong choice may cost you additional investments on customization and consultation. So we need an accurate understanding of the differences and competitive advantages of each of these ERP software to make the right choice. Let's make the picture more clearer to you

Why Do We Need an ERP Solution?

ERP enables you to achieve accurate tracking of your business. It helps to consolidate various business functions including customer management, human resources, business intelligence, financial management, inventory, and supply chain capabilities into a single system.

On the other hand, it stores the business data and maintains it in a single database. This helps to correlate with different departments to perform legible and appropriate functions. ERP provides the opportunity to run a business in an organized way. It helps to analyze data, produce reports, and make better business decisions.

NetSuite V/S SAP: An Overview

We are further getting into understanding the capabilities and functions owned by NetSuite and Zoho.


1. Cloud-based ERP Solution perfectly tailored for small, mid-size, and large business organizations.
2. Enhanced on-premise system.
3. Automates all aspects of business processes including financial management, fixed assets, billing, and inventory management.
4. Highly flexible for customizations and integrations to any third-party system.
5. Facilitates the best performance across a wide range of industries including Financials Services, retail & eCommerce, Advertising, Media & Publishing, Transportation & Logistics, Nonprofits & Social Venture, Services, Software, and Technology, and Manufacturing.
6. Powerful business intelligence tools to generate reports to analyze and informed business decisions.


1. Relational database to save money and to advance Big Data opportunities.
2. Conventional on-premise system.
3. Designed to fit the needs of small and medium businesses.
4. Offers business intelligence tools to streamline the business.
5. Best suited for industries like Manufacturing, Wholesale Distribution,
6. Professional Services and SaaS.
7. Flexible for user-specific customizations.

NetSuite and SAP: An ERP Comparison

We gain better understanding only if we compare the capabilities with other systems. So let's see how NetSuite working exceptionally well in comparison with SAP

Customization, integration, and management

Both NetSuite and SAP have exceptional features for customizations. Users can customize their fields, tables headings, and other data fields and functions that sound more significant to them. Both of these systems have user-friendly dashboards. NetSuite is more advanced and flexible for integrations and customizations.

SAP and NetSuite can make changes in codes. However, SAP’s user ability to fix the changes and updates is limited in comparison with NetSuite. NetSuite can make enhanced changes to edit and customize forms, records, KPI’s as well as the ability to change visual appearance without code modification.

Updates and enhancements

NetSuite comes with a feature of automated upgrades and enhancements directly into the system. Along with that NetSuite offers enhancements and upgrades twice a year named NetSuite releases. SAP has restricted the ability to modify, apply, and fix the upgrades of the codes. Ant changes should be planned in advance to prevent the disastrous changes in business customization in the case with the new updates.

Investment cost

Both NetSuite and SAP have variations in their features. So as in their investment costs.


1. Base application starts at $999 per month.
2. User Licenses $99 per user per month.


1. Standard Enterprise User is $149 per month
2. SCM Enterprise User is $199 per month
3. ByD requires a minimum of 10 Enterprise Users.

Business intelligence capabilities

NetSuite Suite analytics is a business intelligence platform. It has profound capabilities to generate and analyze reports to make informed decisions. It has the ability to automate calculations, revenue recognition, and provides a 360-degree customer view.

HANA is SAP’s business intelligence tool. It allows real-time access to data visibility and reporting functions. It is an excellent tool but unlike NetSuite, exercising specific or advanced business intelligence tools takes separate time and associated cost for its deployment.

While pitching the grounds of NetSuite vs SAP Business one, both of these have their own strengths and weaknesses against each other. SAP offers quite simple applications in order to fetch the needs of small and medium business organizations whereas NetSuite provides exceptional capabilities to run e-commerce functionality, better and more add-ons, and integration. It provides the advantages of being completely cloud-based - thereby including better web access and no associated costs on hardware.

Keep Your Industry Needs in Mind

If you would love to proceed with NetSuite ERP, make sure that you’re consulting the best alliance partners. Jobin & Jismi has an excellent reputation and service history for NetSuite implementation and all other related services. To know more about us visit our website or schedule a free consultation right away!!!