Auto Sent Email in NetSuite


One of our clients, a leading distributor of professional equipment including drafting instruments, laboratory equipment, and scientific instruments from the United States of America, required us to implement sending Auto Email for the customers.


The client prerequisite was to automate the sending of emails for every invoice seven days before the due date including the invoice number and the amount of the invoice. It is a reminder for the invoice that will be due in seven days. The email should be sent on the basis of each invoice that is made. 

For overdue invoices, they want us to send the email reminder fourteen days after the due date. They also want us to exclude some customers (client provided) from sending email alerts. For that, they need us to add a checkbox for each invoice and customer. 


Our experts analyzed the requirements and met them through NetSuite saved search and scheduled script for invoices that are due and past due.    

For the requirement of email alerts for invoices that are going to be due after seven days and for overdue invoices that are not paid fourteen days after the due date, we made use of the saved search to show the user the list of emails that will be sent out to the customer and scheduled script for mass sending email alerts. 

 For certain customers and invoices, auto alert emails are not required hence, we created a checkbox on the customer page as a custom field and the invoice page as ‘excluded for overdue email alerts’. In order to identify which records are to be excluded from the email alerts, we created a custom field on the customer page and invoice page. 


The requirements are met successfully. The reminder emails are now automatically sent to the invoices that are due after seven days, pending after fourteen days, at the particular date and time. Customers marked as excluded will not receive any past due notifications.

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