25 Jun, 2021

NetSuite Vs Sage X3

Comparing two leading ERP systems is a tedious job. But we have done the impossible so that you can seamlessly read the key points and finalize the optimum solution that fits your requirement. This blog discusses about:

1. Company profiles of NetSuite and Sage.
2. Comparison
3. Features - NetSuite vs Sage
4. Our take on it

Oracle NetSuite

NetSuite is a modern ERP solution offering the right framework for future development. More than 40,000 organizations rely on NetSuite to streamline and handle their vital business processes. From startups to publicly traded companies - NetSuite fits them all. 

What the #1 cloud ERP offers:

• Industry-leading practices like robust workflows, role-specific dashboards, and KPIs,

• Robust financial management functionality.

• Unified data model that enables seamless flow of real-time information.

Sage X3

Sage X3 is used either on-premise or solely in the cloud (via Amazon Web Services) and is unified with cloud-based applications and services to complement and personalize what you have purchased ‘off the shelf’.

• Capable as a multi-tenant platform.

• Through RAD (Rapid Application Deployment) - Making updates and add-ons is now easy.

NetSuite vs Sage X3 - Comparison

NetSuite and Sage x3 are different in terms of:

• Deployment
• Architecture
• Vertical Capabilities

Sage X3 has long been regarded as a strong candidate for manufacturers, particularly liquid manufacturers, due to its ability to service multinational customers' needs with multi-company and currency capabilities. Sage X3's major issues on the other hand originates from its legacy technological roots, which result in increased expense and complexity being passed on to consumers. X3 lacks Customer Relationship Management (CRM) features and native e-commerce.

NetSuite delivers a cloud-based business suite that includes ERP, CRM, and eCommerce. NetSuite also facilitates integration, customization, and third-party add-ons. This, combined with regular update schedules (twice a year), ensures that customers may continue to reap the benefits of their earlier investments without having to re-platform.

NetSuite vs Sage X3 - Features

Financial Management

Features NetSuite ERP Sage X3
Financial Management Yes Yes
Accounts Payable Yes Yes
Accounts Receivable Yes Yes
General Ledger Yes Yes
Multi-currency/multi-tax, multi-language Yes Yes
Fixed Assets Yes Yes
Multi-Company and Consolidation Yes Yes
Revenue Recognition Yes No
Subscription Billing Yes No
Forecasting & Budgeting Yes Yes
Financial Planning (PBCS) Yes No

Supply Chain

Features NetSuite ERP Sage X3
Order Management Yes Yes
Production Management Yes Yes
Inventory Management Yes Yes
Procurement Yes Yes
Warehouse and Fulfilment Yes Yes
Demand Planning Yes Yes
WIP & Routing Yes Yes
Work Orders and Assemblies Yes Yes
Shop Floor Control & BOM Maintenance Yes Yes

Human Resource Management

Features NetSuite ERP Sage X3
Human Resources Management Yes Yes
Payroll Yes Yes
Employee Center Yes No

Note: Sage X3 lacks native HR functionalities and requires integration with standalone applications.


Features NetSuite ERP Sage X3
Point of Sale Yes No
Ecommerce Yes No
Order and Inventory Management Yes No
Product Content Management Yes No

Professional Services Automation

Features NetSuite ERP Sage X3
Project Management Yes Yes
Resource Management Yes Yes
Timesheet Management Yes Yes
Expense Management Yes Yes
Billing Yes Yes
Agile Project Management Yes No

Key Differences Explained - Sage X3 vs NetSuite

Is version lock really a thing?

Sage X3 users who already customized their software rarely consider upgrading their software to reduce complications, but this action often backfires as the users will miss out on several new releases. 

NetSuite runs on a single software version that is automatically upgraded every six months. Any customizations or integrations made to make it work for the company are usually unaffected by the upgrades.

True cloud or not?

Sage X3 was originally an on-premises ERP, although it now offers ‘hosted' online access. On-premises ERPs either utilize an in-house server to operate the software or entrusts a partner to host it and share over the internet. This increases the demand for IT system specification and administration, along with the manpower required to support and maintain it.

Sage is hesitant to abandon its on-premise solutions and turn truly cloud. But they are now providing modules and services to customers with secure access to data via the ‘cloud’. The setup is similar to a hosted cloud solution and therefore  are less versatile and configurable, hence upgrading or scaling them might be difficult. 

NetSuite is a “true" cloud solution, created and intended for the internet era. The software is viewable and usable on any browser or device 24/7. NetSuite handles big numbers of users without sacrificing performance and is more versatile and expandable than hosted options.

A complete solution or 48 different applications?

NetSuite is dedicated to improving its product focusing on a single code base whereas Sage owns more than 48 different business applications, users sometimes get confused over these products, and innovation too takes a hit with multiple array of products. Sage customers migrating from Sage 200 to X3 are likely to hit a wall because of the complex mapping and configurations involved. 

CRM and eCommerce

Sage X3 ERP lacks an integrated CRM that serves key functionalities to enhance customer relationships. But, NetSuite’s CRM offers a fully integrated customer relationship management experience. It provides 360-degree visibility into all channels and entities throughout the business journey. 

There are several excellent connections that allow your eCommerce website to integrate with Sage X3, it does not have its own eCommerce solution.  Whereas NetSuite’s eCommerce capability allows you to manage and update all aspects of your organization with a single solution. 

Conclusion - Our say in this battle

Sage offers an extensive range of applications. NetSuite is visible in all major industries and marks its edge with continued growth and success stories. 

Jobin & Jismi is an Oracle NetSuite Alliance partner with more than 8+ years of experience in NetSuite implementation, integration and administration services. Connect with us today for all things NetSuite.